2-Ingredient Dry Shampoo

Healthy Living on a Budget Tip #10

Make your own dry shampoo. Washing hair takes wayyy too much time. After you wash it you have to dry it, and then style it. Who has time for that every day? And then there’s also the fact that washing your hair too frequently can strip your hair of healthy protective oils. And store-bought dry shampoos contain all those chemicals that we work so hard to avoid. Good thing it’s incredibly easy to make your own!

I HATE washing my hair. I really really do. But I also have to look presentable and ponytails just don't look good on me. In college I used baby powder in my hair to hide the shine, I never wanted to spend the money on those expensive dry shampoos. Now I use a healthier, but just as easy, alternative to baby powder - arrowroot powder.

Arrowroot powder absorbs oil and leaves your hair looking clean. It doesn't leave your hair heavy or sticky. It allows me to double the number of days between washes... which means it saves me time (enough time to squeeze in a short workout of course).




  • Add your desired amount of arrowroot to a small jar (I fill a 4 oz mason jar about half full). If you have really light hair, you might be done here. If not, keep reading :)
  • Add a little cocoa powder and mix it up. I just throw the lid on and shake it.
  • Try it out! Use a makeup brush or your fingers to dust the powder on your roots. How does it look? Too light? Add more cocoa powder.
  • Repeat until you reach a shade you like. It's super forgiving, so don't worry too much. After a few minutes, it absorbs more of the oil and blends in better.
  • Notes:
    • You can always add some essential oils to your powder if you miss that just-washed smell.
    • If you have really dark hair, Serena has mixed activated charcoal with arrowroot powder so it blends in with her dark hair :)

So that's it. It's really easy huh? Give it a try, you will be so happy that you did!

What are you going to do with your extra 45 minutes? 

Have fun :)
