Sage's Cloth Diaper Stash

Healthy Kids on a Budget Tip # 1

Use cloth diapers. They are better for your baby’s skin. They are environmentally friendly. They are significantly cheaper. And when you run out, all it takes is a load of laundry rather than a trip to the store.

We primarily used cloth diapers for Sage. It was easier than you might think (and soo much cheaper than disposable diapers).

Sage is now potty trained, but I want to show you our favorite cloth diapers before we pack it all up and save them for our next baby.

Our favorite brand of cloth diapers is GroVia. They are high quality and work great! 

Sage's everyday diaper - GroVia Hybrid

These are soft and have the option for an organic liner. My favorite liner is the microfiber + microfleece No-Prep Soaker Pad, it's super absorbent and doubled as Sage's swim diaper.

Sage's nighttime diaper - GroVia O.N.E

This one has an option for an extra liner, which kept her dry all night long.

Diapers for the diaper bag- GroVia All In One

This one also has an extra soaker pad. Just as the name implies, it's all in one, which keeps it quite simple.

Please let me know if you have any questions hope this helps.



P.S. If you're wondering why in the world we decided to go with cloth diapers, check out an article on GroVia's website, Disposable vs. Cloth Diapers.

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