Serena's March 2018 Debt Update
I don't know if I say it enough, but getting out of debt IS HARD WORK! Like really hard work. It's exhausting and emotionally taxing. But, it is worth it!
Read MoreI don't know if I say it enough, but getting out of debt IS HARD WORK! Like really hard work. It's exhausting and emotionally taxing. But, it is worth it!
Read MoreAhh, we only paid $900 this month on student loans. Not. Good. But I have my reasons...
Read MoreReally good news! We have paid off $17,000 in 6 months!!!!!!!!! We drained our bank account, worked a ton, and prayed like crazy.
Read MoreThis month we had lots of "emergencies" that we cash flowed and lots of extra work.
Read MoreWe are 5 months into our debt snowball. And now I really feel like snowball is the correct way to describe it. With each new payment my husband and I get a little more excited... which is the exact opposite way I expected to feel as I watched money leave my bank account as quickly as it goes in.
Read MoreGet rid of those credit cards! You aren't beating the system by paying your balance in full at the end of the month. That small percentage back isn't helping you save money. All the credit card does is make it easier to spend money and spend more of it. I'm serious! Think about it. Christmas is expensive, isn't it? But eh, it doesn't really hurt when you don't have to pay the bill until late January or February. Where did all the money go anyways.
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